Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Take too long to act...act to quickly..there is a fine line

Today is my 2nd blog...I would like to report on my initial goal of working out Mon-Fri this week at 5am day two is complete. It feels good to start the day off with achieving a goal.

The title of my blog comes from an experience I dealt with yesterday. I was assigned a task on Friday for my Director, which I was extremely motivated and excited about. I worked on it some over the weekend but try to dedicate that time to my wife and friends. So then came yesterday.

Reviewed the task with the Director (who I am learning a lot from) and came up with changes that needed to be completed by our presentation time of 9am today. Having no second thoughts I went into action. Chasing down all the resources I needed yesterday to make the changes. I finished around 11pm last night.

This morning I received a note that we are going to utilize a different deck and that we would use my changes as backup.

I was frustrated but probably not why you think.

I was frustrated at myself because I sprang right into action once the task and changes requested were given to me....what I should have done is stopped and think for 10-20 minutes.

Go into solitude to really analyze what you need to get accomplished and how "best" to get it accomplished. Don't take too long to act...but don't act to quickly.

Had I given 20 minutes to thought I would have remembered that a colleague of mine had been working on a much bettter deck that we are ultimately utilizing. I could have worked off that deck and saved probably half a day. Lesson learned.

My strength is I act very quickly with calculated risk...my development area is at times I need to STOP...think for a bit in solitude and then act.

Know your stregnths and focus on developing your weaknesses.

Moving forward my lesson for the day will be outlined in bold blue.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Physical preparation for the work week

If anyone reads this just know I will start working on my grammar and spelling, it has lacked over the years.

It is Sunday night and it's time to get mentally prepared for the work week. My wife and I completed our 5 mile run this morning at Lady Bird Lake in Austin, TX. If you haven't run Lady Bird Lake I highly recommend it..plenty of Austinites to keep you motivated throughout your run. My wife and I keep in great physical shape, it is key to a long & happy life. I also believe it is the foundation of your success in life.

Mental toughness begins with a strong physical foundation. I have noticed over the years how many people are playing the victim far to easily. I see it at work, in relationships and just in every day life. Enough is enough. Stop the status quo and do something about it! I believe it starts with a strong foundation of physical fitness.

The job market, competition for your job and the competition overall is far more fierce today than ever before and will only continue down this road. If you aren't physcially fit to stay on top of your game, to educate yourself further, to go the extra mile when the boss needs it, someone else will sure be waiting to pass you by.

I know we come in all shapes and sizes and that's ok...I know we all live different life styles that may make it easier or more difficult to stay in tip top shape, but the one thing we all do have in common is we do get to make our own choices. So I am asking you to make a choice today to no longer accept YOUR status quo.

My goal this week as I prepare for the large work load ahead is to get up every morning at 5:00am and complete my work out. You see, I usually go for one day or two days a week at 5am and then think I will get to the gym later in the evening. That is usually the case but haven't stop and really assesed the last few weeks. When I finally did stop to recap, I realize that the last few weeks have been non stop work weeks and therefore I have missed some days of getting to the gym or exercising. Each day is a day you can't get back. So, this week will be 5am from Mon-Fri. Let me add that I will not have a glass of wine or a piece of cheese over the next 5 work days either...physical health is 50% exercise and 100% about healthy eating.

Start with a small simple goal that you can achieve and we will build upon from there. Good luck and I will be blogging every day on different topics.